Information for Tricare Patients with an Authorization/Referral

Dear Patient,
if you have a valid Tricare Authorization for an overnight sleep study, please follow the link below to schedule your appointment:

*Please note that you will be directed to a page where you can see our next available appointments.*

If you want to schedule a different appointment please click the following link:

Tricare logo ASC book appointment

What to expect during your stay with us …

We need you to fill out the following paperwork prior to your initial visit:

Please see and sign the Admission Paperwork by clicking here (TRICARE PATIENTS ONLY)

Adult patients: Please fill out the sleep questionnaire by clicking here

Pedia patients: Please fill out the sleep questionnaire by clicking here

You can find reserved free parking spots (Spaces 5, 6, or 7) in the basement parking garage marked: »SLEEP SPA«. You may also park in the parking lot directly in front of the building.
Important: If you choose to park in front of the building (Tegut/Apotheke parking lot), please ask our staff for Parking Permit Sign upon your arrival. Place this on your car dashboard in clear view.

We need you to be fatigued as possible. Please avoid taking naps on the day of your sleep study and refrain from taking any stimulants, especially those that promote wakefulness.

The admission time for your sleep study is at 6:30 PM. If you plan to come in a little later, please let us know beforehand. Make sure to bring your Tricare authorization/referral with you. All rooms are designed for single occupancy only. If you sleep better with your own pillow, you are most welcome to bring it from home. If you take any prescribed medications, please do not forget to bring them with you. The admission process will include a brief interview, measuring your vital signs/weight, and a 11-min Sleepiness Test. (Pupillography)

Pedia patients: A parent may sleep in the room with the patient.
Adult patients: If you need help to look for hotels in the neighborhood to accommodate family members travelling with you, our front desk staff will be happy to assist you.

DINNER – Dinner is provided to patients only. If you plan to eat with us, please bear in mind that the cut-off time to place your order is 7:00 PM.
CABLING – After the initial assessment, ample time will be given for you to change into your sleeping clothes. Cabling will start after the admission process and usually takes 20-25 minutes. We will be applying sensor electrodes on your head, face, upper torso, and lower legs. Sensor belts will also be placed on your chest and abdomen. A bio-calibration will be done prior to sleeping.

Just a few REMINDERS:
Ladies – please leave your jewelry at home. Also please remember to remove your make-up and facial lotion. The use of any hair gel/hair spray/mousse should also be avoided as these will interfere with the sensor signals. For men who sport facial hair, don`t worry. We have a conductive paste that glues the electrodes to hair so you do not have to shave them off.

There is no limitation on mobility once you have been cabled. Early birds can go to bed earlier, and the night owls can go to bed a bit later. We encourage you to follow your usual evening routine: read a book, watch TV, or round off the evening leisurely with a glass of wine.

There will be staff in the clinic the entire time. If you want to smoke or use the bathroom, you can always turn on the »call light« for assistance.

The electrodes will be taken off by between 6:15-6:30AM and breakfast will be served at 7:30 AM.
* If the doctor has scheduled you for an Extended Sleep Study, you can sleep in longer.
* If you are scheduled for a day test (MSLT), the first of 4-5 naps will take place right after breakfast. There will be breaks in between naps and you would expect to finish this test between 4:30 – 5 PM.
*If day testing is not necessary but you are scheduled for a second sleep study night, you will have the option to go home or work during the day and come back in the evening. If you live further out of town, a good alternative to spend the day would be sightseeing in Frankfurt.

Study results takes minimum 10 working days to complete. Please refer to our »What comes Next?« leaflet for more details: download here.
We typically send reports via encrypted email, but if you would like to receive your report in a different way, please let us know.
Please make sure to have an appointment scheduled to talk about the findings of your sleep study with the doctor via telehealth or on-site.

How to find us

You can find us directly at Friedberger Warte with ample parking space and good connections to public transportation (Tram 18, bus lines 30 and M34).

Contact — American Sleep Clinic

If you have trouble scheduling the appointment through the link above, please contact us directly:

asc frankfurt

American Sleep Clinic | Frankfurt Main

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